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توضیحات استخراج معادن

با استفاده از ماشین آلات سنگین معادن را استخراح کنید و تبدیل به یک برنامه ریز استخراج سنگ های متعدد از معادن شوید تا ماموریت های منحصر به فرد را تکمیل نمایید.
شما مهندس معماری و همچنین سرپرست کارگران هستید. چگونگی کار در زمینه های مختلف و ساخت تونل ها در معادن سنگ را مشخص کنید.
با استفاده از ماشین مته سنگ ها را تیکه کرده و با کامیون ها آنها را جابجا کنید و با استفاده از دستگاه برش سنگ ها را به قطعات کوچکتر در مسیر سنگ معدن تبدیل کنید، هنگامی که شما تمام سنگ ها را سفت می کنید، سپس از گریدر برای پاک کردن تونل استفاده کنید. به یاد داشته باشید که تمام این کارها را در زمان محدودی انجام می دهید.
بازی دارای گرافیک HD واقع بینانه با انیمیشن شگفت انگیز در معادن طلا ارائه شده است.
هنگامی که وظایف خود را انجام می دهید، ماشین آلات معدن سنگین را در کامیون بارگیری کرده و به کارگاه بازگردید.

ویژگی های بازی Mining & Minerals Extractio - استخراج معادن:
  • گرافیک سه بعدی خیره کننده
  • صدا پس زمینه HD
  • چندین ماموریت هیجان انگیز
  • ماشین آلات ساخت و ساز بزرگ
  • کنترل آسان و صاف کامیون
  • محیط اعتیاد آور
  • گرافیک عالی

The description of Mining & Minerals Extraction

Mining & Minerals Extraction
Become gold quest and dig-out rocks using heavy machinery.
It’s time to start work on mining rocks to extract minerals. Become plan master and drill the multiple mining rocks to extract unique things in mine quests. You are to visit multiple harbor places; where you have to find mines with full of gold and other things in mining games. You will hire architecture engineer as well as a supervisor to give guideline to labors, how to work on several fields and also build tunnels on mining rocks. You have to drill the rocks by using drill machine. Drive trucks to transport material on working area in mine quests. Use construction machinery and develop tunnels by using boring machine. You have to use cutter machine to crush rocks into smaller pieces and create path in mining rock. When you will crush all the rocks then use grader to clear the tunnel from stones in tunnel sim. Keep in mind that you will do all this in limited time that we will give you in tunnel games. Use extra-ordinary skills to construct a mine by crushing the rocks.
Walk towards truck and take heavy machinery on mining site. You will use excavator to clear the tunnel from stones in mines game. You have to use drill crane to remove rocks on the celling side in construction games. You will use heavy-duty mining machinery on working site to construct a beautiful tunnels and to find gold on mines. Drive truck on off-road track to deliver heavy machinery on construction site. You have to drive rock crusher on mining site to crush rocks and build tunnels. Use dumper trucks to take crush stones and waste them on selected spot that we will give you in builder games. Use your mind and do your work as a supervisor to build mines on rocks area in mining games. You will use drill machine to extract minerals and other things in tunnel games. Hire a team that work on several departments and lead them in construction games. We will give you multiple thrilling and adventurous missions in mine quests. Startup levels are easy to play but gradually upcoming level are more difficult to play in mining games. Use heavy-duty mining machinery to quest multiple things on rocks in builder games. Use modern techniques to construct tunnels and get gold and diamond on it. Time is short and you will perform maximum work on construction site. Drive trucks, cranes and drill machines on off-road lake tracks 3d with addictive environment. You have to drive crane on mines site to fill dumper truck with rocks in mining construction. Mine quests give you in-app to unlock drill machines and to remove ads.
Drive excavator to clear the tunnel from rocks in construction sim. We will give you realistic HD graphics with amazing animations in gold mines. When you will extract minerals from mining rocks then convert them into resources to get bonus coins. We will give you smooth control with dazzling construction game atmosphere. When you will accomplish your tasks then load heavy-duty mining machinery on cargo truck and take back to workshop. You will take incredible fun during play this mining game.

Mining & Minerals Extraction Features:
• Stunning mining 3d graphics and HD background sound
• Multiple thrilling mine quests tasks
• Huge range construction machinery and dig-out minerals atmosphere
• Easy and smooth dumper truck controls
• Enjoy smooth dimension with mining games addictive environment
• Excellent graphics and thrilling crane simulator features

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