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توضیحات برج تاریک

برج تاریک یک بازی بی رحمانه است. اتاق مرگبار برج را اکتشاف کنید، که در آن هر حرکت شما بسیار حیاتی است. راه خود را به سمت بالای برج با باز کردن درب با تعداد کمی از کلیدها باز کنید. دشمنان خطرناک مانند قبیله ها، اسکلت ها، مگ، خون آشام ها و ... در کمین هستند، پس از کلید ها عاقلانه استفاده کنید.
تغییرات نسخه 2.02:
رفع خرابی هنگام راه اندازی

The description of Dark Tower

READ THIS BEFORE PURCHASING THE GAME: You can play an ad-supported version of the Dark Tower game completely free. Still, both versions contain in-game purchases.

Dark Tower is a brutal permadeath game. A deadly tower rooms of death exploration game where your every move is critical. Puzzle your way to the very top of the tower by unlocking doors with a brutally limited number of keys. Face dangerous enemies such as goblins, skeletons, mages, vampires, and more! Use keys wisely.

Explore floors shrouded in darkness and reach the top of the evil tower. Fight against hostile creatures and minions of the Immortal Queen. Be very careful and reasonably manage your keys. Bad decisions will be irreversible.

Goblins, Skeletons, Zombies, Wizards, Warriors, Vampires, and many more are waiting for you in this fantastic classic-style #DROD RPG. Experience an epic adventure and defeat the evil forces.

Step into the DarkTower. You will die. A lot!

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